How to Select Your Next ERP Software System

Selecting your next ERP software system can become a complex decision. Taking an ad-hoc approach in your ERP selection process can result in high unnecessary costs and interruptions to business productivity. In many cases assessing ERP systems is based on: Often, the selection is done with incomplete requirements gathering, generic vendor demos, over-emphasis on total costs, employee bias, attempted self-implementation, […]

3-Phase Framework to Navigate the COVID-19 Downturn

3-Phase Framework to Navigate the COVID-19 Downturn

How executives manage the phases of the economic downturn will determine the future health of their organization.  The current state of the world may make it difficult for executives to see beyond the daily communications about employee safety and closed offices to the next phases of quiet and, eventually, recovery. Read full article:

Backlog eliminating

Backlog eliminating

Many large back-office organizations are faced with backlog issues. Due to the high demand for customer service and regulatory issues, companies lack the focus to work consistently on the workload. The backlog builds up and is worsened by the slow but needed changes in the ICT systems. Together with our clients, we have worked on projects in insurance, pensions, and […]

Ledger optimization

Companies hold reserves on the general ledger for unforeseen circumstances. In many cases, it is also due to accountancy rulings or due to inadequate understanding of the risks of the underlying issues. We have helped multiple clients working on the issue that matters. Issues that help to shorten the balance and freeing up expensive capital tied up in reserves. Want […]

Implementation Reaturn

We just finalized the implementation of the real estate asset management software package Reaturn (vendor Reasult). Besides the standard implementation a new automatic workflow was created for the monthly invoices and rental income; thus saving tons of time and adding to less errors in the workflow.


January we finalized the implementation of MiFID II at one our clients. The implementation went smoothly, without any real issues. Now stay tuned for updates on the regulation!

Central clearing

Central clearing for an asset manager(AuM 19 billion). The primary objective was to move all assets in scope from bilateral agreements towards centrally cleared. Since the organization had no clearing contract with CCM the whole foundation had to be set up.

EMIR implementation on EMIRIS

The regulatory reporting for EMIR is converted to the EMIRIS platform (Virtusa). A overhaul of the implemented ruling for what and how to report was done for the client since their last update was from 2014. The client is now compliant with the EMIR regulation.

WPC implementation

Implementing the European regulation for communication towards pension holders (Wet Pensioen Communicatie WPC). The implementation’s scope was all outgoing communication towards participants; email, letters, website, verbal communication and all other touchpoint with participants.