Inflation impacts the whole economy. So the effect on your bottom line should be all important to you. I will write a longer blog on the subject later this quarter
The benefits and future of Software as a Service
The benefits of SaaS Increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness are why many businesses turn to cloud-based SaaS solutions. The advantages include: Low setup and infrastructure costs You pay for what you need with no capital expenditure that needs depreciation from your balance sheet over time. Accessible from anywhere Connect to the internet, and you can work from wherever you need to […]
How to Select Your Next ERP Software System
Selecting your next ERP software system can become a complex decision. Taking an ad-hoc approach in your ERP selection process can result in high unnecessary costs and interruptions to business productivity. In many cases assessing ERP systems is based on: Often, the selection is done with incomplete requirements gathering, generic vendor demos, over-emphasis on total costs, employee bias, attempted self-implementation, […]
General Ledger for SME
We provide an online solution for SME’s finances. In these times the cost pressure is high. Companies need to focus on their finances and keep a constant check on liquidity. Baum & Partners provide an easy solution for SME’s to manage their finances. We partner with banks to give you a constant up to date view of your situation. Contact […]
3-Phase Framework to Navigate the COVID-19 Downturn
How executives manage the phases of the economic downturn will determine the future health of their organization. The current state of the world may make it difficult for executives to see beyond the daily communications about employee safety and closed offices to the next phases of quiet and, eventually, recovery. Read full article:
Single step
All journeys start with a single step
Backlog eliminating
Many large back-office organizations are faced with backlog issues. Due to the high demand for customer service and regulatory issues, companies lack the focus to work consistently on the workload. The backlog builds up and is worsened by the slow but needed changes in the ICT systems. Together with our clients, we have worked on projects in insurance, pensions, and […]
Ledger optimization
Companies hold reserves on the general ledger for unforeseen circumstances. In many cases, it is also due to accountancy rulings or due to inadequate understanding of the risks of the underlying issues. We have helped multiple clients working on the issue that matters. Issues that help to shorten the balance and freeing up expensive capital tied up in reserves. Want […]
What we do
We help national and international organizations reach their project/program goals by focussing on value delivery!
Blockchain cutting down on cost
Blockchain seems to be the answer to many questions and problems. Honestly we still have to see a working solution in real time but the outlook is promising. Go the article for more. Blockchain Facts: What Is It, How It Works, and How It Can Be Used What Is a Blockchain? A blockchain is a distributed database or […]